Pepper on the run in West Milford, NJ is safe!!
Pepper, a frightened new rescue, pulled out of his collar at the vets office. Panic set in and chase ensued. When a dog is in flight mode your first instinct is to chase and have search parties and calling out for the dog, these are all things that will invite a flight response and send a dog running.
As with most dogs they will return to the point of escape when all is quiet. It doesn’t matter if it is in unfamiliar territory. Let them settle down and not feel pursued. Quiet the “noise”.
As expected, Pepper came back at night but it was dark and he ran from his new owner. This morning I headed out first thing and a plan was put in place. I set a trap as back up but believed if he saw his new big brother, Dugg that he was bonded with, that there was a strong possibility he would go to him.
I watched as Pepper ran from the woods to the property next door. I handed the owner a long lead to hook Dugg to and instructed her to calmly and quietly walk him with the hopes it would lure Pepper. As soon as Pepper spotted Dugg from his hiding spot, he ran right out to the comfort of his big brother and his mom was able to quickly secure him.
We are so thrilled to have assisted with this reunion. Thank you to the community who jumped in willing to help.
Welcome H
ME Pepper!

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