Moku missing in Highlands, NJ has been safely captured after three days on the run.
Each case comes with hurdles and obstacles to which Arlene and Chris tackled them with grace and perseverance. When it was determined that luring was not an option and trapping was necessary the SPCA provided a trap but unfortunately it was just too small. I was able to contact my colleague, Melissa from Sadie’s lost dog search and rescue who thankfully was able to lend a proper size trap. Chris made the hour drive to pick up the trap and once all was set up it was a waiting game.
After circling the trap for over five hours and making baby steps in and out. At 12:34am
I was able to make that call to Arlene…”Moku was finally captured, go get your baby!!!”
Thank you to everyone involved (minus the crazy lady) who was a part of helping this wonderful family become whole again!! What a wonderful community effort!!
Welcome H
ME Moku!!!