Dani was visiting family in Orangeburg, NY when a visit to Stop & Shop turned into a nightmare. Dani was able to make her escape out of the car window which was left partly open. (Rule of thumb, if they can get their heads out, they can get their bodies out). She made her way through the automatic doors into the store, frantically searching for her family member. When a store employee attempted to grab her leash, she bolted right back out the doors and onto dangerous route 303, running scared.
In a panic, the family went to local businesses. When they stopped at Musbro Kennels and doggie daycare facility across the street, they were referred to our organization for help. BDRR team member Dawn stepped in and began working with the family.
Knowing that dogs usually return the the point of escape, the decision was made to set up in the parking lot of Stop & Shop. Within hours, once the store was closed and all was relatively quiet, Dani made her way back, darting across the parking lot and straight into our trap.
A big thank you to Musbro kennels for reccomending us and being so kind as to give us permission to use their property if needed.
Welcome H
ME Dani!

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