Safe after TEN YEARS!!!
Another dog deemed "untrappable".
I received a call this morning from a friend at Second Chance Rescue NYC about a feral dog in the Bronx who had been living outside for a very long time. Someone had shared his picture on facebook pleading for help and the ball was set in motion. I immeditaely headed out to set up my trap and Second Chance Rescue stepped up offering to vet him and take him in once captured.
Second Chance went to the site and monitored the area until I could get there. Many people in the neighborhood were feeding him and we had to make sure that any food put down was quickly removed so that he would be food motivated once my traps were set. While there we learned that this dog had been living out there for at least TEN YEARS, subjected to kids trying have their dogs fight him and nightly coyote attacks. I arrived and set the trap at 4pm, there had been unsuccessful trapping attempts by others over the years but tonight at 7:50 pm we heard the door of the trap shut...
His name is now Persimmon "Percy", he will never again have to eat or sleep in a garbage pile, be attacked by coyotes or spend one more cold night outside. From here on out he will only know love and security.