
Posted by Nicole Asher on

Sadie went missing from her pet sitters house last Thursday in Wilton, CT. Unfortunately, she had been let out without a leash and immediately bolted. Several sightings came in but as most lost dogs in survival mode do, she bolted anytime someone would approach her or call out to her.

I was contacted on Monday and a plan of action was set. Two very rainy days went by with no sightings. Poster coverage was expanded and this morning a flurry of sightings finally started pouring in. Sadie was all over the place and roaming very large wooded areas within a 2.5 mile radius, never stopping for long. Her travel was mapped out and strategically placed traps went up.

A call came in from a resident that she was spotted in the woods off of Bristol and Mountain Rd. Another trap was quietly and quickly set. Shortly after, I had eyes on her off in the distance a few hundred feet from my trap. She slowly ventured out and made her way down towards the area where the trap was, when she would hear cars off in the distance she would immediately retreat and hide back into the woods. When the coast was finally clear and all was quiet, she cautiously headed back down towards the trap for the last time. A few minutes later Sadie was safely captured.

I made the call to Sadie's mom that her baby was finally coming home. Once she was home and saw her mom, she wouldn't stop whimpering with joy and giving kisses. Welcome Home Sadie!! 



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